How To Apply
2025 URA Cohort Applications
Application Information
***The application window for the Undergraduate Research Academy of Summer 2025 will close March 31st***
Please review full program overview, eligibility, and expectations HERE
The Undergraduate Research Academy encourages students to expand their education beyond the classroom through participation in research and creative projects mentored by UCCS faculty. The Academy objective is to support collaborative efforts between the student and faculty member, where both members benefit from the experience. Academy students act as research assistants on meaningful projects identified by their faculty mentor. The faculty member is responsible for providing significant and meaningful guidance and mentorship.
Awards cover budget requests for student pay, project related supplies, travel, and a faculty honorarium. This call is meant to support summer research conducted between June-August 2025. Although the dates of the research internship are flexible, students are expected to dedicate ~200 hours towards research over the summer. Students must attend the Welcome Meeting in May and all summer workshops including Responsible Conduct of Research training held during in June and July. Please see attached materials for application instructions and student workshop dates.
Important Dates
Applications Due: March 31st, 2025
Award Winners Announced: The week of April 14th
Welcome Meeting: The week of May 19th
Workshop Dates: The weeks of June 9th, June 23rd, July 14th, and one half-day workshop in August. All exact dates to be determined.
Who can apply?
- Student applicant must be a junior or senior standing in summer 2025
- Applicants need a faculty mentor and a project idea (to be determined by the faculty mentor) identified before applying (for help finding a faculty mentor see the New Researcher Guide).
- Previous URA mentees in good standing are eligible to reapply, however, preference will be given to student-faculty pairs that have not previously received funding from the Undergraduate Research Academy
- Mentors must be tenure-track, tenured, or research appointment faculty. Instructors who wish to mentor undergraduates in the URA may request approval from their department chair.
If you have any questions, email csr@uccs.edu