2022 URA Cohort Awardees
The 2022 URA Cohort is our largest yet with 34 student-faculty pairs!
The 2022 URA Cohort is our largest yet with 34 student-faculty pairs!
Awardee: Laurique Hughes
Faculty Mentor: Kevin Tvrdy
“Totally Tubular: Determination of the Effect of Sonication on the Length and Purification of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes”
Awardee: Kyrie Milliron
Faculty Mentor: James Kovacs
“Discovering the Molecular Requirements for Epstein-Barr Virus Attachment”
Check out this interview with Kyrie Milliron HERE!
Awardee: Ana Barovic
Faculty Mentor: Allen Schofftall
“Reduction of Isoxazoles to Enaminals and Their Conversion to Heterocycles”
Awardee: Advita Bhatia
Faculty Mentor: Crystal Vander Zanden
“Simulations to Determine the Neuroprotective Mechanism of Curcumin in Alzheimer's Disease”
Awardee: Abigail Shultz
Faculty Mentor: Aaron Corcoran
“Biomechanics of Bat Maneuvering in Natural Predatory Flight”
Awardee: John McCoy
Faculty Mentor: Jeremy Bono
“Investigating a novel function of RNA in fertility”
Awardee: Victoria Toscano
Faculty Mentor: Andrew Klocko
“Exploring how changes in epigenetic marks impacts the organization of the fungal genome”
Awardee: Audrey Fahland
Faculty Mentor: Emily Mooney
“Diversity in Predation in the Environment of the Azure Butterfly”
Check out this interview with Audrey Fahland HERE!
Awardee: Natalie Bondarchuk
Faculty Mentor: Amy Klocko
“Analysis of targeting effectiveness, efficiency, and predicted protein impacts of CRISPR-Cas9 editing of two genes in domestic apple”
Check out this interview with Natalie Bondarchuk HERE!
Awardee: Jason Cuthbert
Faculty Mentor: Omid Semiari
“Towards Developing an End to End Simulator for Low Latency Communications and Edge Computing in Vehicular Networks”
Awardee: Sam Peters
Faculty Mentor: Byeong Lee
“Synthetic Malware Data Augmentation for Deep Learning Network Training”
Awardee: Kaylie Maddux
Faculty Mentor: Scott Trimboli
“Battery Modeling and Control Toolbox for ASPIRE”
Awardee: Lauren Clarke
Faculty Mentor: Diep Dao
“Gentrification and Hispanic Community Displacements in Colorado Springs”
Awardee: Tyler Ingram
Faculty Mentor: Cerian Gibbes
“Dynamics of violence: Utilizing space-based measurements of radiation to study unrest”
Awardee: Michael Nameika
Faculty Mentor: Justin Cole
“Data Driven Approximation of Topological Insulator Systems”
Awardee: Cecilia Knight
Faculty Mentor: Lynnane George
“Development of a CubeSat Small Satellite Demonstrator”
Awardee: Duncan Schlueter
Faculty Mentor: Matt Quinlan
“Nonlinear acoustic daming: single baffle blade testing”
Awardee: Christian Lewis
Faculty Mentor: Lynnane George
“Human Crewed Interplanetary Trajectories for the Roundtrip Exploration of Mars and Ceres”
Check out this interview with Christian Lewis HERE!
Awardee: Anna Carrier
Faculty Mentor: Nathan Morris
“Skeletal muscle and body temperature responses during uphill and downhill running”
Awardee: Alix Walters
Faculty Mentor: Kathrin Spendier
“Low-cost device for determining heat source location”
Awardee: Kaitlin McAllister
Faculty Mentor: Dmytro Bozhko
“Magnetic rogue waves observation using near-field scanning microwave microscope”
Awardee: Melissa Mikolaitis
Faculty Mentor: Giles David Arceneaux
“Beyond the Iron Dome: Cross-System Exposure and Public Perceptions of Ballistic Missile Defense”
Awardee: Naila Tagoilelagi
Faculty Mentor: Beth Daniels
“Sexual Harassment in STEM: Impacts on Women's Well-Being and Career Plans”
Awardee: Isabella Arsenault
Faculty Mentor: Tom Francis
“The Future for the Next Generation of College Students: Impact, Implications, and Recommendations for Success”
Awardee: Lily Herlihy
Faculty Mentor: Lori James
“Can a Stress Mindset Manipulation Affect Older Adults' Speech Production?”
Awardee: Katie Agenbroad
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Weiskittle
“The Effects of Lonliness, Kinship, and Perception of Burden on Older Adult Suicidality”
Check out this interview with Katie Agenbroad HERE!
Awardee: Grai Calabro
Faculty Mentor: Diana Selmeczy
“Children's Study Strategies: The Role of Choice and Value”
Check out this interview with Grai Calabro HERE!
Awardee: Alyssa Premovich
Faculty Mentor: Dan Segal
“An Empirical Examination of Age and Gender Bias on the Alternative Model of Personality Disorders Among Older Adults”
Awardee: Aja Zamundu
Faculty Mentor: Heather Littleton
“Race on campus in the aftermath of Black Lives Matter”
Awardee: Maddie Vickroy
Faculty Mentor: Stephanie Gangemi
“How Do Undergrad Students at UCCS Perceive the Effects of ACEs on Their Selection of Major”
Awardee: William Smith
Faculty Mentor: Jefferey Montez de Oca
“Developing Praxis: A Comparative Study of Two Denver-Based Social Justice Groups”
Awardee: William Ross
Faculty Mentor: Monica Yoo
“How Targeted Coursework Impacts In-service Teachers' Practices in Classrooms with Multilingual Learners”
Awardee: Courtney Cowling
Faculty Mentor: Tre Wentling
“Transgender Embodied States of Recognition”
Check out this interview with Courtney Cowling HERE!